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(Google, 2014)

Synthesis Paper

In my synthesis paper, in order to gain a better understanding of green interior design and apply it to my own living, I scrutinized three research papers introducing the definition of green interior design and several aspects we need to consider when we design green home and rooms. 


Living Green

          When you walk home, tired and covered with dirt, you throw the bag onto the sofa and took off the shoes walking on the cozy carpet towards the sofa. The smooth sunlight shines on the tea table through the Bonsai trees softly. And dozens of green dill and ivy planted in the fiberglass flowerpots that nested in the TV wall are waving their leaves by wind; it looks like they are beckoning to you. The verdant TV wall and faintly discernable light perfume of bloom floating in the air makes your tiredness vanish, just like living in the forest. This is the real home that makes you feel warm and brings you happiness, just as a fancy hotel does for you. I hope more and more people could, increase satisfaction in their lives, and improve the amenity of their residence while contributing to environmental protection through green homes... In order to gain a better understanding of green interior design and apply it to my own living, I scrutinized three research papers introducing the definition of green interior design and several aspects we need to consider when we design green home and rooms.  


         Dennis (2014) defined “Green Home” as an energy-efficient, water-saving, natural resources saving modern home with highly indoor air quality. He declared that when we define green products or practices, the definitions should encompass little or no harmful to human health and environment. In one chapter, Dennis mainly focused on introducing why and how to choose the right furniture and accessories. Most conventional furniture may flood with toxic chemicals and organic pollutions, which is formed during manufacturing, packaging, transport and painting. Formaldehyde, polyurethane, Brominated Flame Retardants (PBDEs) are three most common indoor pollutants, which contribute to Sick Building Syndrome. So polluted indoor air is chronic health killer. That is the reason why we need to choose eco-friendly furniture and accessories. To refer to how to pick up the proper ones; the author mentions seven principles, which are buying the best and most durable furniture, selecting green materials, picking nontoxic finishes, fair trade, easy to clean, ergonomically correct and recycling furniture. 

            Compared with the conception of “Green” and “Green Home” that Dennis mentioned, Xu (2012), expanded the definition of green residential interior design that comes from the green design. He believes harmonious coexistence is the guiding ideology to achieve unity of human and nature. He presented his own idea about core principles of green design, which is “3R”(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).     

Core Principles

Also he mainly concentrated on five key issues, the concept of green, the principle of people-centered, the adoption of smart devices, the selection of green furniture and collaboration between designers. Regarding the principle of people-centered, home is not a tabernacle or temporary shelter, it a place 

Five key issues
  • Concept of green

  • the principle of people-centered

  • the adoption of smart devices

  • the selection of green furniture

  • collaboration between designers

that reflects the owners’ characteristics and lifestyle, so “people-centered” should be combined with “green” together in order to achieve truly green interior design. As far as ”the adoption of smart devices”. Owner could get a better life experience, have a more comfortable and convenient home by using intelligent and automatic smart devices in the future. Bill Gates' mansion "Future Home" is a case in representative of the perfectly combination of high-tech and interior design. “ It was hailed as the “the language of the future living”” (Xu,2012) In short, modern residential interior design, as an emerging comprehensive discipline, should involve “3R” principles and five key issues, thus we are able to establish a relationship of harmony, unity and sustainable. 

           According to Yi (2011), practice is the final aim of theory; building material is the material basis of environment art design. Whether residents finally can have a sweet, sustainable and green home depends on the practices. Only getting the full understanding of decoration materials, taking advantage of reasonable choices and flexible collocation we can fulfill the demand of interior space design. The art design and materials are interactional, so digging out the potential value in use for decoration materials and making it express is an essential way to enrich interior space and show green interior design idea. 

Let's see an good example of enriching interior space and showing good green interior design idea.

Sustainable Dream Tiny House By NOMAD Micro Homes

           The three studies had a common aim that was the promotion of implement of green interior design, just as Frank Lloyd Wright, a world-renowned architect, said “house is not an exhibition, nor a symbol of status, but a unity environment of the aesthetic and functional” (as cited in Xu, 2012).







The first study defined “green” and propounded some practical suggestions on choosing furniture and accessories. While the second one showed an even more extended concept of “green”. The third study discussed how to maximize the utility of building material to enrich interior design. Since I got interested in green interior design and reviewed three studies, I got to know the field of green interior design. Every time when I think about decorating my home or picking up furniture, I would subconsciously pay close attention to the raw materials and functions of furniture and accessories. In sum, I will implement a wholly complete and multiple perspectives on green interior design. Then, choosing nontoxic, environmental furniture and accessories, adopting smart devices, taking advantage of art design and decoration materials to maximize space in the practice field is one of the keys to ways of making the green interior design come true. Furthermore, not only do I need to be concerned about what these three papers mentioned, I also need to consider the interior design budget and color matching issues when I am going to achieve green interior design. Because when we put design scratch into practices, budget is the key issue to consider. But the these three paper only focused on theoretical knowledge rather than real-life situation.

House is not an exhibition, nor a symbol of status, but a unity environment of the aesthetic and functional.

------Frank Lloyd Wright

Sustainable Dream Tiny House By NOMAD Micro Homes. (2014). [video] Available at: [Accessed 9 Dec. 2014].



Dennis, L. (2014). Green Interior Design. 1st ed. [ebook] Allworth Press, p.12. Available at: 36&echo=1&userid=Ll%2fD5gSb6gp5Cpk8vzi0Y A%3d%3d&tstamp=1412642 795&id=A3F3EE99FD9A96AEC4ECB626E0A7A20EB938ED16 [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014].



Xu, X. (2012). The development trend of green residential interior design. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 178, 272--275.



Yi, R. (2011). Interior decoration materials’ potentialities for artistic originality. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 71, 967--971. 


        At the beginning of this project, I only know little information about green interior design. But after I did the research on Dennis, Xu and Yi, I became familiar with this topic.  I understand that Xu concentrated on five key issues, the concept of green, the principle of people-centered, the adoption of smart devices, the selection of green furniture and collaboration between designers. So it helped me on my future research on green interior design.

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