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(Google, 2014)

Formal proposal

In this formal proposal, I introduced "Green Interior Design" and explained why this topic is interesting and important for me for three reasons. Also i describe my personal past experience related to "Green Interior Design". At last, based on the reasons and past experience, I develop three research questions adressing what I would like to find out about "Green Interior Design".


Living Green


Background of "Green interior design":


        A few years ago I found that people started designing and using hybrid cars, promoting using recyclable material, using LED instead of incandescent light bulbs, and out came a lot of movies talking about environmental pollution. There is a new trend of making our home “going green,” which is embodied in green interior design. According to Dennis (2010), “Green is a term used to describe products or practices that have little or no harmful effects to the environment or human health.” When consumers design their home, they are more likely to consider designing a highly functioning and aesthetically pleasing environment, which is eco-friendly design (Dennis, 2010). And those green interior designs are supposed to last for a long time and be organic, renewable and healthy; at the same time, residents should be able to save their energy cost by designing house green. I would like to do research to find out how we can make our future home green by choosing environment-friendly decorating material and improving indoor air quality.



"Green" is a term used to describe products or practices that have little or no harmgul effects to the environment or human health.


Why I like “ interior design”?

            I had a pursuit of beauty when I was young. I love  the feeling to hold the power on designing my own space and make it become an aesthetically pleasant and comfort environment that everyday I am happy to live in. I find myself to be hooked on the interior design when I was a middle school student. At that time, my family just bought a new apartment and I would always accompanied with my mom when she discussed the interior design with our designer. Every time I saw him using professional design software skillfully and I was shocked with the final design sketch, which exhibited the furnished home so real and attractive, I almost worshipped the ground the designer trod on. At that point, I began to be interested in interior design.

(Google, 2014)

Why I like "Green interior design"? 

          Regarding to my attention towards green interior design, it begins with my first watching of a home decoration TV program named “Jiao Huan Kong Jian”, whose aim was to advocate frugal decorating using limited 10,000RMB decoration funding and 8,000 household appliances funding to finish decorating the other family team member’s room within 48 hours. I highly agree with the concept that mentioned in this TV program, which is their space design philosophy and green eco-friendly design idea. Meanwhile, designer will always give us surprise through creating unique furnishings by using the waste products or recyclable materials, such as bottles, newspapers, pencils, bottle caps and so forth. Thus, I fell in love with green interior design, even though I have no experience with it.



          Since I got engaged in green interior design, I have had two questions: 

  1. How can I choose furniture and decorating accessories to assure making home green? 

  2. What kind of factors should I consider when I choose them?


We know that there may be large amount of formaldehyde and its compounds used in house renovation and furniture leading to deterioration in air quality. To stay healthy, what kinds of furniture and accessories are helpful for improving air quality? Can I improve air quality by using sustainable or recyclable building material, such as non-toxic paint; by involving more plants in the room or other ways or what else? I am looking forward to a best way to not only achieve eco-friendly designs but also stay healthy.



          Furthermore, home furnishing is an important component of green interior. Creative home furnishing centralizes artistic, practical and even multifunctional characteristics in one, which can contribute in making home green. It can be seen that the sales and concerns of creative home furnishing are increasing in “TaoBao”, the most famous and well-known online shopping website in China, and the area of advertisement of creative home furnishing in the homepage of “TaoBao” had obviously increased. Since I retained my fascination with “Jiao Huan Kong Jian”, I had always focused on creative home furnishings. Every time, when I visited “TaoBao”, I would definitively visit creative home furnishings forum. Some 

furnishings are really impressive. For example, “a vertical garden in the kitchen”, which is refitting a partition wall into several horizontal plank boxes that are used to plant plants and also embellish the kitchen. Another example is that one side of the stairs is adapted into several drawers to use as storage boxes. Some creative home furnishings is able to achieve maximizing space, others can refresh indoors’ air quality and may bring people entirely new living experiences. In this research, I want to find out how creative home furnishing can help us live in green?


        In short, with the increasing concerns on the environmental protection, healthy lifestyle and economical philosophy, I decide to research on three main questions of green interior design. First, how to choose furniture and accessories to assure green? Second, how to improve indoor air quality? Finally, how can creative home furnishing help us live in green? Base on those three questions, I could have a better understanding of green interior design, know more about interior related knowledge and may help me smoothly and healthily decorate my future sweet home.

Three Questions:
  1. How to choose furniture and accessories to assure green? 

  2. How to improve indoor air quality?  

  3. How can creative home furnishing help us live in green?



Dennis, L. (2014). Green Interior Design. 1st ed. [ebook] Allworth Press, p.12. Available at: echo=1&userid=Ll%2fD5gSb6gp5Cpk8vzi0Y A%3d%3d&tstamp=1412642795&id= A3F3EE99FD9A96AEC4ECB626E0A7A20EB938ED16 [Accessed 7 Oct. 2014]. 


       In this formal proposal, I introduced "Green Interior Design" and explained why this topic is interesting and important for me for three reasons.Firstly, I was interested in interior design when i was a middle school student. Secondly, I fall in love with TV show, Jiao Huan Kong Jian. Finally, I was studying painting for several years and I was intersted in design field when i paint.

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