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Writer's Autobiography


Fall in love with digital writing

            When I was a little girl, I was really naughty and noisy and could not calm down and concentrate on reading books, especially thick ones. I was, in a word, restless. The habit of disliking reading sets me up for failures in writing. Looking back at my development as a writer, the only thing I could remember is the pain I went through in writing process. My happy memories were buried in childhood when I was forced to write traditional essays, so to speak. But “Wechat” app changed my attitude towards writing when it came onto the market in 2011. I fell in love with digital writing and cannot live without using Wechat just as fish cannot live without water.


           Wechat is a Chinese app that provides instant messaging service and it can share contents with friends and share the contents of excellent articles through “Moments”, which is a platform to enables me to be an active participant in posting pictures and messages.


         For me, “Moments” is more like a simple diary in which we can post  pictures and words, and I love this way of recording my life. I have been through a dark or bright life, tears or joys, failures or successes, and ignorance or maturity. “Moments” helps me record every single memorable moment in my life vividly. When I review the past two years’ digital writing, I find I have had so many things that were my first time to do. I can clearly remember the first time I went to National Centre for the Performing Arts, which is the best theater in China, to watch Italian operas; first

 wechat, (2014). Moments. [image] Available at: [Accessed 9 Dec. 2014].

time to spend Mid-Autumn festival far away from home, which reminds me of how sweet to be with family; first time to be so addicted to Pikachu, and change all my profile photos to Pikachu pictures in all the accounts that I have, and even posting all the pictures of Pikachu with different expression in “Moments”. At the same time, most of my traveling notes will be posted on “Moments” since I am keen on tourism. I believe that each person is a removable book that is worth reading. That is the destiny we spent the same time in the same place, sharing the different stories with each other and worth to be written down.


            Additionally, posting pictures and words in “Moments” helps me introspect. Life isn’t prosaic when you think it is a bland day. When I came back to dormitory from school/campus yesterday, I was surprised that I found my friends to have posted eulogy in “Moments” for a girl who was my previous classmate in China. Something just popped up in my mind and I realized that we are not ready to accept it. Those postings woke me up, teaching me to treasure the every moment that I have, to cherish every friends and families who care about me. When I have mistakes and cares, faults and blunders, I get used to writing it down, adding my thoughts and posting it on “Moments”, because one day when I look back to these digital writings, I could reinforce the primary introspects.


            Posting the daily moods is an interesting and easy way to release my emotions in digital writing. I celebrate it, when I have a good grade, when Germany won the champion of World Cup, when I received the acceptance letter from Purdue University or even when I am outdoors in a nice day; I rel ease negative energy, when I feel stressed some days, when I have a bad relationship with my friends or when I criticize some regulations. One moment flashes in my mind. There is one short digital writing I wrote that is complaining I have to make videos for student job, prepare for TOEFL Test, write papers, prepare the fashion shows and do research for a program for some time. I feel much better when I write down my bad feelings. Writing in this way makes me express my feelings and thoughts fluently.


            As a dairy, Wechat records my past, feelings and moods. As a tool, Wechat helps me improve my writing skills in various ways. Although my writing is beautifully imperfect in Chinese, when I fall in love with writing digital messages by using Wechat, I know I could be better than before. After all, interest is our best teacher. 

Why I fell in love with digital writings? (3 reasons)

  1. “Moments” is more like a simple diary. I can post pictures and words, and I love this way of recording my life.

  2. Posting pictures and words in “Moments” helps me introspect.

  3. Posting the daily moods is an interesting and easy way to release my emotions in digital writing. 

Wall Street Journa, (2013). China's WeChat Gaining Global Attention. [video] Available at: [Accessed 9 Dec. 2014].

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